Wednesday, November 3, 2010

End of the Quarter

Just remembering a fun spot in Rabat.
So, one fourth of my teaching year is completed. Today, I had fun with the children reviewing all they have learned this year so far. I put a star on the bulletin board by every art element we had gone over this fall, and each class did an awesome job of remembering the terms. It was so nice to see how far the children have come this year.

Today, we continued doing value studies, and I taught the word "gradation". I also showed them going from dark to light with one color and one oil pastel. I showed them how to blend the oil pastel so they could go from dark to light. Today's subject matter was lions.

Ready for another 25 students!
When I am thinking back over my long day, I worked well into the evening, I think my favorite part was when we were reviewing color during art class.

It was lots of fun when I reviewed, and when we got to the word "color", I asked them what the first book of the Pentateuch recounts God spoke into existence first. It took a bit of doing, but we got to, "Let there be light." I reminded them that when He spoke light into existence he was also speaking color into existence. Without light we cannot have color. He gave us color!

Tomorrow a new adventure begins as we have a long weekend....I am traveling out of the country to see some art at the Prado museum and drink some coffee at Starbucks. Can you guess where I am going?


  1. Congratulations on all the successes in this 1st quarter! Prado sounds amazing, and coffee from home too! Go get filled up with inspiration, and we'll thank Dad tonight for all He has done in and thru you!

  2. I agree! Job well done-check off 1/4 of the yr completed. Now on to have a couple days of fun!
    Have a great time en Espana, Marcia ! Enjoy a Latte near the Prado or the airport !
